CometHartley and Double Cluster |
"Mexico" in N. Am. Nebula |
1 day after great conjunction |
17P/Holmes Sketched |
1st Place QRSF 2014 |
2012-TOV-01 |
2012-TOV-02 |
2012-TOV-03 |
2014 Solar Eclipse |
2017 Eclipse |
2022 Lunar Eclipse |
2024 Eclipse |
23014 Solar Eclipse |
2nd Place QRSF 2014 |
3 days before the Great Conjunct |
3rd Place QRSF 2014 |
45 stars in 2 seconds |
4565 and intruder |
Airglow or Northern Lights? |
Airy Disk |
Alcor Mizar Double |
Almach Double |
Andromeda |
Andromeda |
Andromeda M31 |
Antares A & B |
Antares, M4 and NGC 6144 |
April 8 2024 Eclipse Sky Objects |
AR 1520 |
AR 1520 |
AR 1520 |
AR 1818 |
AR 2192 |
Arising from clouds |
Asteroid GregLisk and its orbit |
Asteroid Tattoo |
Asteroid Vesta 2007 |
Astronomyville |
August 2007 Lunar Eclipse |
Aurora |
Aurora 11Aug2024 |
Aurora Aug 11/24 |
Aurora Borealis |
Aurora or Not? |
Aurora or Not? |
Aurora Tonight |
Aurora Tonight |
B86 - The Ink Spot and NGC 6520 |
B86 and NGC 6520 |
B86 Dark Nebula |
Barnards Galaxy, NGC6822 |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
BellevilleRASCSolarEclipseMarket |
Big Sunspots |
Bill Broderick |
Blue Moon |
C/2013 R1 |
C/2020 F3 NEOWISE |
C/2020 F3 NEOWISE |
California Nebula |
Carolines Rose NGC 7789 |
Carolines Rose, NGC7789 |
Catalina |
Centaurus A |
Centre of the Galaxy |
Christmas Eclipse |
Chromosphere |
Cloudy day for an eclipse |
Cloudy Solar Eclipse |
Club Seestar S50 - M13 |
Club Seestar S50 - M33 |
Coathanger and NGC 6802 |
Cocoon Nebula IC 5146 |
Colours of Saturn |
Comet and Aurora |
Comet Atlas (2/2019 Y4) |
Comet C/2012 K1 |
Comet C/2014 E2 |
Comet C/2014 Q2 |
Comet Giacobini-Zinner |
Comet Holmes |
Comet Holmes update |
Comet Hyakutake |
Comet Lovejoy |
Comet Lovejoy and NGC 1156 |
Comet Lulin |
Comet NeoWISE |
Comet Neowise through trees |
Comet Over the Bean Field |
Comet Through Bedroom Window |
Concert under the stars |
Concert under the Stars |
Concert under the Stars |
Corona |
Craters |
Crux and the Coalsack |
Dave C meeting Al Nagler |
Delta Aquid Demize |
Diamond Ring |
Diamond Ring |
Diamond Ring |
Diamond Ring |
Diamond ring |
Don certifies GLP users |
Double Cluster |
Double Cluster |
Double cluster |
Double Cluster |
Double Cluster |
Double Cluster in Perseus |
Eagle M16 |
Earthshine - Handheld |
Eastern veil |
Eastern Veil Composite |
Eclipse 2017 - Diamond Ring |
Eclipse 2017 - H-alpha Prominanc |
Eclipse 2017 and Venus. Wide |
Eclipse 2017 C2 Diamond Ring |
Eclipse 2017 C2 Diamond Ring |
Eclipse 2017 C3 Diamond Ring + p |
Eclipse 2017 Diamond Ring |
Eclipse 2017 Earthshine |
Eclipse 2017 Inner Corona |
Eclipse 2017 Outer Corona |
Eclipse 2017-Prominances |
Eclipse and Bird |
Eclipse from Corbyville |
Eclipse from Corbyville |
Eclipse Orion |
Eta Carina |
Eta Carinae Nebula |
Fall n Stars 22 Group Photo |
Fall n Stars Fri night |
Fall n Stars Friday night setup |
Fall n Stars Group Photo 2021 |
Fall n' Stars 2009 Group Photo |
Fall-n-Stars 2023 Group Photo |
Fall-N-Stars 2023 Shade |
First Big Aurora in years. |
Five Moons |
Flame and Horsehead |
FNS2013-$50 Khan Scope |
fns2013-50/50 Draw |
FNS2013-Group Photo |
fns2013-LuckyDraw |
FNS2013-NEOS $100 |
FNS2013-OPT $50 |
FNS2013-Photo Contest |
Fogbow |
Four Planets |
Four planets (with labels) |
Friday |
Gamma Cygni Nebulae |
GML-TOV-01 |
Good Morning, Orion |
Great Nebula and Running Man |
Greg Lisk and HRH QE2 |
Greg Lisk RASC Service Award |
Greg Lisk Receives Service Award |
Hale-Bopp |
Half a Double Cluster |
Half Moon |
Handheld Moon |
Heavy Cratering |
Helix Nebula |
Helix Nebula |
Helix Nebula |
Helix Nebula |
Hercules Globular M13 |
Horse Head Neb |
Horse Head Nebula |
HorseHead |
Horsehead and Flame |
IC1396A Elephant Trunk Nebula |
IC1805 |
IC1805 Heart Nebula |
IC5070 Pelican Nebula |
IC5146 Cocoon Nebula |
Inexpensive Saturn |
John Coughlin |
John Coughlin |
Jupiter |
Jupiter |
Jupiter & Moons |
Jupiter - My First Registax |
Jupiter and Io |
Jupiter between jet streams |
Jupiter webcam |
Jupitor |
Lagoon M8 |
Lagoon Nebula AKA M8 |
Large Magellanic Cloud |
Last one up at Fall n Stars |
Late Summer Milky Way |
Latitude 24.5 |
Leo Triplet |
Leo Triplet |
Leo Triplet |
Leo Triplet |
Leo Triplet Astrometry |
Light Polluted Milky Way |
Love Under the Comet |
Lunar Eclipse |
Lunar Eclipse 2022 |
Lunar Eclipse 2022 |
Lunar Eclipse 2022 |
Lunar Eclipse 2022 |
Lunar Eclipse March 2007 |
Lunar Features |
Lunar Highlands |
Lunar Surface Features |
M 101 |
M 104 |
M 11 and Scutum Star Cloud |
M 15 Globular cluster |
M 15 Globular in Pegasus |
M 16 |
M 16 M 17 region |
M 16 Mono |
M 16 region |
M 17 Swan |
M 17 - the Swan or Omega7 |
M 20 |
M 27 Dumbell Region |
M 27 The Dumbell |
M 31 |
M 31 |
M 31, M 32, M 110 |
M 33 |
M 33 The Pinwheel Galaxy |
M 42 |
M 42 / 43 Orion Nebula |
M 81 / 82 |
M 83 in Hydra |
M1 |
M1 - Crab Nebula |
M1 Crab Nebula |
M1 The Crab |
M100 |
M101 |
M101 |
M101 |
M101 |
M101 - Supernova SN2023ixf |
M11 - Wild Duck Cluster |
M13 |
M13 |
M13 |
M13 |
M13 |
M13 - Hercules Globular Cluster |
M13 Close-up |
M13 Cluster |
M13 from Loonie Observatory |
M15 |
M15 |
M15 - Pegasus Globular Cluster |
M16 |
M16 Eagle |
M16 Eagle Nebula |
M16 Eagle Nebula |
M17 Mono |
M17 Swan Nebula |
M2 |
M2 - Globular Cluster |
M20 |
M20 Trifid Nebula |
M22 |
M22, NGC 6642, IC 1290 |
M24 - Sagittarius Star Cloud |
M27 |
m27 |
M27 |
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula |
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula |
M27 - The Dumbell |
M27 Dumbbell Nebula |
M3 |
M31 |
M31 |
M31 |
M31 |
M31 - Andromeda Galaxy |
M31 - M32 - M110 |
M31 HyperStar |
M31,M32,M110 |
M31-32-110 |
M33 |
M33 |
M33 |
M33 |
M33 |
M33 - Triangulum Galaxy |
M33 Triangulum Galaxy |
M4 Region |
M42 |
M42 |
M42 |
M42 - M43 - Orion Nebula |
M42 - Orion Nebula |
M42 Great Orion Nebula |
M42 Orion Nebula |
M42 Orion Nebula |
M42 Sh2-279 |
M42 The Great Nebula |
M44 BeeHive Cluster |
M45 |
M45 The Pleiades |
M45 Widefield |
M5 Globular Cluster |
M50 - Open Cluster |
M51 "Whirlpool Galaxy" |
M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy |
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy |
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy |
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy |
M51- supernova SN 2005cs |
M57 |
M57 - the Ring Nebula |
M57 Ring Nebula |
M57 The "Ring" Nebula |
M57- Ring |
M61 |
M63 Sunflower Galaxy |
M63 The Sunflower |
M66 |
M67 - Open Cluster |
M71 |
M74 |
M74 - Casper the Ghost Nebula |
M8 |
M8 |
M8 Lagoon Nebula |
M8 M20 Mono |
M8 The "Lagoon" Nebula |
M81 - Bodes Nebula (Galaxy) |
M86 + Virgo Cluster |
M90 |
M97 The Owl Nebula |
M98 |
M99 |
Markarians Chain |
Mars |
Mars or my retina |
Mars Recognizable |
Massive Sunspot Group (848) |
Meaner Machine Launch |
Mercury Shines in Twilight |
Messier 5 |
Mid Partial |
Milky Way |
Milky Way Panorama 1 |
Milky Way Panorama 2 |
Monster Sunspot |
Monster Sunspot 2529 |
Moon |
Moon |
Moon & Saturn in Perspective |
Moon and Venus |
Moon and Venus and Earthshine |
Moon Approaches Chi Tauri |
Moon M35 and NGC2158 |
Moon over Jupiter |
Moon Shot |
Moon, Venus, no Earthshine |
Moondogs |
Moonset |
Morning Lunar Eclipse |
My Best Jupiter |
My first attempt at prime focus |
My First Moon Shot |
N. America and Pelican |
NA and Pelican Nebulae |
NE View Pixel5 |
Near-Total Lunar Eclipse |
Nearly Full Moon |
Neowise |
New 2 Me Scope |
NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula |
NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Nebula |
NGC 246 The Skull |
NGC 253 Sculptor Galaxy |
NGC 281 "Pac Man" |
NGC 281 "PacMan" |
NGC 281 "The Pac Man Nebula" |
NGC 4565 - The Spindle Galaxy |
NGC 4945 |
NGC 6781 |
NGC 6826 - Blinking Planetary |
NGC 6905 -Blue Flash Nebula |
NGC 7000 |
NGC 7000 "Mexico" |
NGC 7331 and friends |
NGC 7331 Crop |
NGC 7331 galaxy group |
NGC 7789 |
NGC 891 |
NGC1977 - Running Man Nebula |
NGC2024 - Flame Nebula |
NGC2371 - Ant Nebula - cropped |
NGC281 Pacman Nebula |
NGC2905 |
NGC4535 |
NGC4565 Needle Galaxy |
NGC688 Crescent Nebula |
NGC6888 - Crescent Nebula |
NGC6960 Western Veil Nebula |
NGC6995 Bat Nebula |
NGC7000 N. America Nebula |
NGC7293 Helix Nebula |
NGC7331 |
NGC7380 Wizard Nebula |
NGC7635 Bubble Nebula |
NGC884 Open Cluster |
Norman Welbanks |
North America Neb. NGC 7000 |
North America Nebula NGC 7000 |
North American Neb |
Nova Scorpii 2007 |
Observing Begins at Fall n Stars |
Omega Centauri |
Omega Centauri |
Omicron 1 and 2 in Cygnus |
Orion |
Orion at Sunset |
Orion Belt and Sword |
Outer Corona |
Owl cluster NGC 457 |
Pac Man Nebula NGC 281 |
pan-starrs |
Panstarrs |
Panstarrs |
Partial Solar Eclipse 10Jun2021 |
Partial Solar Eclipse 10Jun2021 |
Partial Solar Eclipse 10Jun2021 |
Perseus Cluster Plate solved |
Perseus Galaxy Cluster |
Plato, Copernicus, Bullialdus |
Pleiades |
Pleiades |
Pleiades |
Pleiades |
Prime Focus Daylit Moon |
Prince Edward Point Areas |
Prince Edward Point Detail 1 |
Prince Edward Point Detail 2 |
Prince Edward Point NWA |
processed Eclipse-Totality |
Prominences during totality. |
QRSF - 2017 3rd Place |
QRSF - 2018 1st Place |
QRSF - 2018 2nd Place |
QRSF - 2019 1st Place |
QRSF - 2019 2nd Place |
QRSF - 2019 3rd Place |
QRSF - 2019 4th Place |
QRSF - 3rd Prize |
QRSF 1st Prize |
QRSF 2017 - 2nd Place |
QRSF 2017 1st Place |
QRSF 2nd Prize |
QRSF Honourable Mention |
Quick M31 |
Rho Ophiuchi Antares Cloud Compl |
RHO Ophiuchi Nebula |
Richard Brain |
Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy |
Sagittarius Star cloud |
Sagittarius Star Cloud M24 |
Sat and Jup |
Saturn |
Saturn - webcam |
Saturn Terminator or Shadow? |
Saturn with Moon |
Scorpius Dark Nebulae |
Seven Sisters |
Shadows |
Shapes on the Moon |
Small Magellanic Cloud, 47 Tuc |
Sol |
Solar Astronomy on a Cloudy Day |
Solar Close-up |
Solar Eclipse - Mongolia |
Solar Flare |
Solar Surface and Spots |
Solar Viewing |
Sombrero Galaxy |
South East View with Pixel5 |
Southern Panorama |
Star-B-Que |
starfest |
Starfest 2012 |
Starfest 2012 |
Starfest Pot of Gold |
starfestgoogle |
Strawberry Moon |
Sun |
Sun |
Sun 28 Mar 15 |
Sun Pillar |
Sunspot Frenzy! |
Sunspots |
Sunspots |
Sunspots - Herschel Wedge |
Sunspots - Herschel Wedge |
Sunspots - Hydrogen Alpha |
Sunspots - White Light |
Sunspots Galore |
Supernova 2020jfo in M 61 |
Swan Nebula |
Sword of Orion |
Tarantula Nebula |
The "Eagle" Nebula |
The "Ghost of Jupiter" |
The Coat Hanger Cluster |
The Dumbbell, M 27 |
The Eye of the Man |
The Great 2017 Partial Eclipse |
The Hunter Rises |
The Hyades |
The Moon and Venus |
The Rosette Nebula |
The Sculptor Galaxy |
The Sun Has a Question |
The Terminator! |
The Western Veil |
Toonie Moon Shot |
Totality |
Totality from Gallatin TN |
Transit of Mercury |
Transit of Mercury 9May2016 |
Transit of Venus 5 June 2012 |
Transit of Venus from Petawawa |
Trapezium A,B,C,D,E,F |
Trip to Yerkes |
Trip to Yerkes |
Two minutes before totality |
Tycho Crater |
Ultra-Wide Milky Way |
Vega and T Lyrae |
Veil Nebula in Cygnus |
Veil NGC 6992 |
Veil, West Half + 52 cygni |
Venus |
Venus & Mercury in the Evening |
Venus and Jupiter |
Venus and Mercury |
venus and Sun |
Venus Annular Eclipse 2012 |
Venus Annular Eclipse 2012 |
Venus Annular Eclipse 2012 |
Venus, Jupiter, Moon Conjunction |
Venus-Mercury Conjunction |
Whale and Hockey Stick |
Whirlpool AKA M51 |
Wide totality |
Wine Tasting |
X Marks the Spot |
Zodiacal Light |