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The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

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Solar Surface and Spots
Solar Surface and Spots

17P/Holmes Sketched
17P/Holmes Sketched

Antares, M4 and NGC 6144
Antares, M4 and NGC 6144

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RASC - Belleville Membership

Membership Form

Click here for the The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada signup form.

You may fill out the form and bring it to a RASC - Belleville Meeting, or mail it to:

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
203-489 COLLEGE ST
Toronto, Ont.
M6G 1A5

Benefits of Membership

Membership to The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Belleville Centre is not necessary to attend meetings and outings. Membership is open to everyone interested in astronomy. All members pay dues annually from the time they join.

Membership in RASC - Belleville gives a person access to Centre funded events, access to members-only content in this website, inclusion on a contact list for impromptu observing nights, voting privileges in the Centre, and the ability to run for Centre Executive Positions from year to year.

Additionally, members of The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada are given an annual edition of the Observer's Handbook (published annually in September), the bimonthly Journal which contains review articles, research papers on historical and contemporary topics, less formal articles, education notes, general notes of astronomical interest, book reviews, news items concerning the Society and its Centres, and letters. Members also receive access to the the Society's Annual Report in the RASC-National's Members-Only site. By becoming a member you gain access to a number of on-line forums, such as RASCals, where you can gain access to a number of subject matter experts and guidance.

A New Member's package (for new members only) sent with their Observer's Handbook. The welcome package includes the following: A welcome letter from the President; a two page information flyer with info as follows: History of the RASC, membership (basic info), National Meeting (General Assembly), including information about the National Committees; Descriptions of the Publications (Journal, Handbook, Calendar, Looking Up, Ojibwe Star Map, Explore the Universe, Solar Observer's Handbook and Building a Small Observitory); And Flyer of Gift ideas i.e. hats, shirts, hoodies, crests, stickers, observing aids, etc.

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