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Online Articles

Laser Pointer Documents (185KB)

Combined Confirmation of Insurance and Transport Canada Authorization Letter
Required for any use of laser pointers on RASC presentations

LOCAL (Belleville) Livestream for Total Eclipse (71KB)

The attached file lists the details for a local livestream of the April 8th Total Eclipse which will be broadcast from Meyers Pier in Belleville

Livestreaming Links for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse (207KB)

This pdf file lists some livestreaming sites that will capture the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024. Where known, local eclipse timing is posted - which may be different from your location.

2024 Total Eclipse Presentation Slides part 3 of 3 (1200KB)

The local presentation on the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse are captured as slides in this .pdf document. Saved in 3 parts due to size. Animations and movie clips were not included due to file size.

2024 Total Eclipse Presentation Slides part 2 of 3 (1184KB)

The local presentation on the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse are captured as slides in this .pdf document. Saved in 3 parts due to size. Animations and movie clips were not included due to file size.

2024 Total Eclipse Presentation Slides part 1 of 3 (1223KB)

The local presentation on the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse are captured as slides in this .pdf document. Saved in 3 parts due to size. Animations and movie clips were not included due to file size.

Belleville and region April 8, 2024 Eclipse Handout (816KB)

This .pdf document is a brief overview of the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse - included are event time by location

October 14 2023 Partial Solar Eclipse Press Release (189KB)

The attached .pdf file is intended for media in the vicinity of Belleville Ontario regarding the Partial Solar Eclipse which will be visible from Belleville on Saturday Oct 14, 2023. For additional details, questions, or text in different formats, contact Donald Town, RASC Belleville Co-President at 613 885-0574

Astro Garage Sale (163KB)

Giant downsizing. Many useful gadgets, fittings and mounting hardware. Contact me by email if you want. Delivery to Belleville a possibility.. A couple items are sold as shown..

Eclipse Video Summary from the AAS (1019KB)

This article describes the key points about Eclipses covered in a thorough video made by the AAS, includes links to the video and some key screen captures.

Donated Equipment List Round 2 (42KB)

New list of donated equipment offered to members at a deep discount before alternative uses or divestment.

Library Telescopes (187KB)

A recent repost of a RASCals message with links to the Library Telescope webpages.

Updated Donated Equipment List (20KB)

Updated EQ List for member sale.

National Council Minutes Dec 4 2022 (578KB)

The draft version of the National Council Meeting Minutes held on Dec 4, 2022 are posted in this pdf file. Of note and worthy of review is the Board of Directors Update where the current budget and financial summary are reviewed.

A letter from the RASC President (171KB)

The following pdf file is a copy of an email sent by Charles Ennis, RASC President, regarding the Board of Directors meeting where the dissatisfaction with the recent fee increase was presented.

Formal Email to the Board wrt Fees (928KB)

The attached email with attachments from Judy Black is what was formally sent to the Board.
There may be some repetition from previous posts.

Recent Fee Increase Emails (111KB)

see attached .pdf file for correspondence to Judy Black - National Council Chair and Stephen Nourse - Ottawa Centre President.

A letter from the Ottawa Centre regarding Fee Increase (149KB)

The attached .pdf file is to be appended to the list of Questions and Answers from National Council to the Board of Directors regarding the 2022 fee increase of 24%

Fee Increase Questions from Council to the Board (137KB)

The attached .pdf file is a summary of the questions and comments generated by National Council regarding the current membership fee increase. Please forward any additional comments or questions to me by Aug 13 for submission to the Board of Directors.

2022 Fee Increase Explained? (446KB)

The attached pdf file is the explanation for the $15/year increase in your membership fees. Although some historical details were included, the explanation lacks detail regarding the significant increases in members services expenses.

National Council Discussions - 2022 Fee Increase (131KB)

The attached .pdf file is a summary of comments (to date) on the National Council Forum regarding the 2022 Fee Increase. Posted here for discussion in our July Centre meeting,

Belleville Centre Bylaws (212KB)

The attached pdf file is an updated copy of the proposed Centre Bylaws.

Website Hosting (235KB)

The attached pdf file is a summary of the comments to date on the question posed to National Council - what is their interest level in having a common platform for RASC Centres on-line websites.

June 6 National Council Meeting - Key Points (185KB)

A brief description of the NC 21-2 National Council Meeting.

Prince George Report (525KB)

The attached report was prepared for the most recent National Council meeting. Each Centre is expected to file a report every two years. FYI, the population of Prince George is 74,000 and about a 9 hour drive northeast of Vancouver

RASC National Bylaws Rev 8 - Fee section (545KB)

The RASC National By-laws section dealing with fees in .pdf format.

Centre_Membership_Rates_by_Centre (422KB)

The attached .pdf file lists the rates by class for all centres (plus National/non-attached).
Sorry it is in .pdf format but the system will not accept the original .xlsx format

Proposed Centre By-law Revisions (217KB)

The attached MS/Word document is the original draft version (not sure if they were ever ratified) of the Belleville Centre by-laws with proposed changes in Green highlighter, deletions in Yellow.
Please have a look and send any comments to me before our next meeting (April 9th) where we will finalize and hopefully be ready for official acceptance vote in May.

National Council Meting Minutes Dec 6, 2020 (230KB)

The most recent National Council Meeting Minutes held Dec 6, 2020.
Some items for follow-up:
- identify the right person to contact regarding membership retention
- 2024 total solar eclipse planning

Av Loeb interview in Feb 2021 Scientific American (903KB)

Summary of an interview with Avi Loeb regarding his views on traditional science and Oumuamua

Phobos Elongation Times for October 2020 (106KB)

For those of you taking The Dave Cotterell Mars challenge for October, here are the elongation times for Phobos.

Laser Pointer Authorization Letter 2020-2021 (128KB)

This document is the authorization letter from Transport Canada for RASC use of 5 mw. or less laser pointers. You are required to have a copy of it and your membership card if using a laser pointer outdoors.

Galileo in the time of the Plague (394KB)

April 30, 2020 Scientific American article about Galileo during the plague outbreak of 1630-33.

Proposed Flier (288KB)

Have a look at this, please, and let me know if there is anything wrong/missing.


Tips for Observing Meteor Showers (391KB)

Helpful guide for watching the meteor showers

RASC Price List - Fall 2017 (56KB)

This file is a listing of the RASC merchandise for sale. We can save some shipping costs if the orders are aggregated into one shipment to the Centre. If you would like to order anything, please pass on your request to Don Town.

Eclipse Cardboard Box Viewer (895KB)

A bit more complicated eclipse viewer, but this one gives a better daytime view of the eclipse.

How to make a simple Pinhole Camera (288KB)

Easy, simple instructions

First Durham Rasc - Home and Auto Insurance (1211KB)

Details of the RASC/First Durham Insurance offer

Fall N Stars 2011 (139KB)

The threatening forecast did not discourage thirty amateur astronomers from taking in all, or a part of, the latest Fall n Stars star party hosted by RASC Belleville and Kingston Centres

The Search for a Used Scope (67KB)

Looking for a good used scope?

Strategic Plan Feedback (12KB)

The attached .pdf file contains the feedback I provided to our National Council Executive. I encourage you to add your own comments and I will forward them along.

Has the IDA Sold Its Soul to the Lighting Industry (18KB)

This is a commentary on the IDA's MLO (Model Lighting Ordinance) that will appear in the November Reflector, the newsletter of the PAA.

Dark Skies at Fall n Stars (29KB)

The skies at Fall n Stars are far better than originally thought as this article points out.

LPA and Public Outreach (484KB)

Awareness of Light Pollution is made quite easy when you couple it with our public outreach sessions. Page 6 of this issue of Nite-Net from the IDA features a blurb about the Canada Wide Science Fair in Peterborough this year - even if the called me LPA Director of the RASC rather than the PAA.

Out with the Old and In with the New (27KB)

A review of the Celestron Nexstar 8SE

2010 Fee Increase - Council Discussion (163KB)

The attached 21 page PDF captures the discussion to date by National Council on the proposed 2010 fee increase and establishing an Executive Director

Fall n Stars 2009 - The Night of the Bolide (17KB)

Member Mark Coady is also the Director of Light Pollution Abatement for the Peterborough Astronomical Association. Here, he recalls his experience at this year's Fall n Stars.

Light Pollution Plaque (45KB)

This is from the Lakefield Herald of March 25th. The PAA awarded the Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield a plaque in honour of their committment to light pollution abatement.

The $45 Observing Stool (176KB)

I love my 8" Dobsonian. However, I don't like having to constantly bend over to look through it. Introducing the $45 observing stool.

PAA Meeting October 27th (86KB)

Directions on how to get to the Orientation Centre of Riverview Park and Zoo in Peterborough.

Fall n Stars (18KB)

This article will appear in an upcoming Reflector, the monthly publication of the Peterborough Astronomical Association, along with some pix.

Ressurecting Trashscopes (19KB)

Got the trashscope blues or know someone who does. Consider fixing it up before disposing of it.

Seeing and Hearing Meteors (48KB)

Not only can you watch meteors as they fall but you can hear and watch their effects on radios and tvs.

Pretty Big Shoes to Fill (23KB)

Astronomy looks at some of Mankind's biggest questions.

Life and Space I (31KB)

Hello to everyone from Antonina!
I invite you to exchange facts and ideas regarding everything related to the LIFE in
SPACE ?including development of life on the Earth.
Among milliard of planets in milliards of galaxies there is possibility of life in forms that we couldn?t imagine but couldn?t stop to think about.
You remember the latest discovery done during Opportunity mission on Mars suggested the evidence of water (=life?) existed on the planet in the past?
Let?s talk about it.

Life and Space II (31KB)

Hello to everyone from Antonina!
Here we are, in April the 1st, when truth can be mixed up with silly jocks.
But remember we are part of the Universe where among milliard of planets in milliards of galaxies there is possibility of life in forms that we couldn?t imagine but couldn?t stop to think about?

Life and Space III (64KB)

Hello to everyone from Antonina!
Remember we are part of the Universe where among milliard of planets in milliards of galaxies there is possibility of life in forms that we couldn?t imagine but couldn?t stop to think about?
In the June Life & Space edition meteorites as distributors of life forms in Space will be discussed. Today I invite you to talk about meteorites, and meteorites hunting.

Hi-Quality Low Cost Solar Filter (51KB)

Build a solar filter to fit over your telescope objective.

Simple Tripod (190KB)

How to build a simple, yet sturdy tripod, which can be a universal base for any small equipment.

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