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Image Gallery - By Category: Constellations


Fall-N-Stars 2023 Shade

Fall-N-Stars 2023 Shade

Fall-n-Stars 2023 Group Photo

Fall-n-Stars 2023 Group Photo

Fall n Stars Friday night setup

Fall n Stars Friday night setup

Crux and the Coalsack

Crux and the Coalsack

Centre of the Galaxy

Centre of the Galaxy

Milky Way Panorama 2

Milky Way Panorama 2

Milky Way Panorama 1

Milky Way Panorama 1

New 2 Me Scope

New 2 Me Scope

Orion at Sunset

Orion at Sunset

Eclipse Orion

Eclipse Orion

Late Summer Milky Way

Late Summer Milky Way

Orion Belt and Sword

Orion Belt and Sword

Norman Welbanks

Norman Welbanks

Fall n' Stars 2009 Group Photo

Fall n' Stars 2009 Group Photo



Good Morning, Orion

Good Morning, Orion

Ultra-Wide Milky Way

Ultra-Wide Milky Way

Last one up at Fall n Stars

Last one up at Fall n Stars

Observing Begins at Fall n Stars

Observing Begins at Fall n Stars

Light Polluted Milky Way

Light Polluted Milky Way

Latitude 24.5

Latitude 24.5

The Hunter Rises

The Hunter Rises

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