The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

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Image Gallery - By Category: Multiple Stars


Fall-N-Stars 2023 Shade

Fall-N-Stars 2023 Shade

Fall-n-Stars 2023 Group Photo

Fall-n-Stars 2023 Group Photo



M11 - Wild Duck Cluster

M11 - Wild Duck Cluster

M24 - Sagittarius Star Cloud

M24 - Sagittarius Star Cloud

M67 - Open Cluster

M67 - Open Cluster

M50 - Open Cluster

M50 - Open Cluster

M74 - Casper the Ghost Nebula

M74 - Casper the Ghost Nebula

Omicron 1 and 2 in Cygnus

Omicron 1 and 2 in Cygnus

Trapezium A,B,C,D,E,F

Trapezium A,B,C,D,E,F

Antares A & B

Antares A & B

Almach Double

Almach Double

Moon Approaches Chi Tauri

Moon Approaches Chi Tauri

Alcor Mizar Double

Alcor Mizar Double

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