The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

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Double Cluster in Perseus
Double Cluster in Perseus

Veil, West Half + 52 cygni
Veil, West Half + 52 cygni

Mars or my retina
Mars or my retina

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About RASC - Belleville

Regular Events

  • International Astronomy Day
    Answering the call for Astronomy Clubs from abroad to show off their talents and works. The RASC - Belleville Centre loves to show off, and we make special attention to go all out for International Astronomy Day.

  • Quinte Science Fair
    For the past several years, as the Belleville Astronomy Club, we've taken up the challenge of judging Astronomical Science projects by the Quinte Area's youth, and look forward to doing so for years to come.

  • StarFest
    Not a RASC event itself, but often groups from Centres all over will form groups to go, and the Belleville Centre is no exception.

  • Club Day
    Each year, the Quinte Area holds a club day, where different clubs, teams, and organizations gather together to show off their wares. The RASC - Belleville Centre loves to take part in the show.

  • Fall n Stars
    RASC - Belleville members, together with members of the RASC - Kingston Centre, team up to deliver Fall n Stars. South-eastern Ontario's only Autumn Star Party. Visit the Fall n Stars Website for more information.

  • Christmas Dinner
    The centre loves to socialize - that's what a club is for... Each year, we choose a local restaurant and enjoy a fine night of good food and good company.

  • Then... There's club trips, social get-together's, monthly observing nights, and lots of demonstrations for schools, youth groups, and educational groups.

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